PowerPoint Files, Study Guides, and Links
Other Stuff
Study Guide for Test 1
Intro to Biology
1-Intro to Biology powerpointRelated Videos
- Physicist Richard Feynman explains the scientific method
- Read the Myths Of Science: hypothesis vs. theory, & why the 1st doesn't become the 2nd
- How NOT to do science
- Misbehaving Scientists: Cope & Marsh fought about dinosaurs (with dynamite!)
- Misbehaving Scientists: Faking an HIV cure to get grant money
- Misbehaving Scientists: theft and the structure of DNA
- Misbehaving Scientists: reporting stuff without verifying it ( neutrinos, arsenic, fusion)
- Some ways to tell spot fake science and frauds
- Essential Biology disscusses some of the properties of life
- Hank Green explains taxonomy
- Mary Poffenroth: Taxonomy , Domains and Scientific names
- Taxonomy Fail!!! - Don't be a Hoser!!!
- Archea, Bacteria, Protista
- bright pink halophilic archea
- Mary Poffenroth explains heterotrophs and autotrophs
- Alexis Danis on the endosymbiont theory
Chemistry Stuff
Chemistry powerpointRelated Videos
- textbook animations: Types of Bonds, Salts Dissolving in Water, Acids, Bases and pH, peptide bonds, protein structure
- Covalent Bonds, Ionic Bonds, Carbon
- Properties of Water
- Biological molecules - lipids, proteins, carbohydrates
- Nucleic Acids (DNA and RNA)
- This video explains how proteins denature, and shows their primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure
- Mary Poffenroth: Trophic Levels, Producers and Consumers
Study Guide for Test 2
Cells and their parts powerpointRelated Videos
- online guides to show the parts of bacterial, animal and plant cells.
- Andy Orffkut's awesome song about chlamydomonas
- Animal Cells
- plant cells
- ABC/Krulwich on Cells
- Alexis Danis on mitochondria and their DNA
- Paul Anderson gives a tour of the cell
- Mary Poffenroth explains
cell theory,
animal vs. plant cells,
plasma membrane,
, lysosomes, nucleus, - textbook animation: vessicle budding and organelle endosymbiosis
- this is the actual harvard animation that krulwich was talking about
- Krulwich discusses frog legs and dancing squid
Cell Transport
Membrane Transport powerpointRelated Videos
- textbook animations: Active and Passive transport, Exocytosis and Endocytosis, Signaling Molecules
- Mary Poffenroth discusses membranes and the difference betweendiffusion and osmosis
- Hank Green discusses membranes, diffusion, and transport
- Japanese Subway
- less exciting, but more nicely illustrated video on the plasma membrane
- another video on active and passive transport
- Biology Essentials - membranes an DNA extraction
- the Ricochet Science videos on diffusion, Tonicity/Osmosis
Study Guide for Test 3
Photosynthesis and Respiration
Photosynthesis and Respiration powerpointRelated Videos
- textbook animations:
- Mary Poffenroth explains heterotrophs and autotrophs photosynthesis and cellular respiration
- Hank Green explains ATP and respiration
- Mary Poffenroth gives a brief overview of mitochondria
- nice Gradients and ATP animation
- Hank Green explains photosynthesis
- very detailed (like bio majors detailed) photosynthesis song
- Paul Anderson explains photosynthesis
- paper chromatography and RF values (like we use in the photosynthesis lab)
Enzymes powerpointRelated Videos
- Textbook animation: Enzyme catalysis
- Mary Poffenroth gives a light overview of enzymes
- Biology essentials: Paul Anderson explains Enzymes
- learn about enzyme inhibition using Linkin Park and HALO
- another Competative and allosteric inhibitor video (without the annoying mallcore music)
- How HIV uses enzymes, and how we can inhibit those enzymes
- an annoying overly cute enzyme video good info, but she sounds like she thinks her listeners are third graders
- How temperature and pH affect enzyme activity
Cell Division - Mitosis and Meiosis
Mitosis and Meiosis powerpointRelated Videos
- textbook animations: Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Cell Division, Meiosis
- Hank Green on Mitosis and Meiosis
- Paul Andersen explains cell cycle, mitosis and meiosis and illustrates it by using beads
- Stages of Mitosis(Lady Gaga Parody)
- the Ricochet Science videos on mitosis, meiosis, spermatogenesis, and oogenesis
- TEDex talk explaining the many weird ways that animals gender is determined
Study Guide for Test 4
Mendel and Genetics
Mendel and Genetics powerpointRelated Videos
- Mary Poffenroth explains Punnett Squares
- Mary Poffenroth on Gregor Mendel
- Paul Anderson explains Punnett Squares
- Brightstorm videos on genotype, phenotype, allele, gene expression, incomplete dominance and Punnett Squares
- khanacademy discusses Punnette Squares
- Myths of Human Genetics
- three links on cat fur genetics
Chromosomes and Human Genetics
Chromosomes and Human Genetics powerpointRelated Videos
- Heredity
- How to solve genetics problems
- Interactive Genetics Problems
- Interactive DNA puzzles
- Epigenetics: Nova special(1 hour long)
- more on epigenetics
Study Guide for Test 5
DNA Replication & control
DNA replication powerpointRelated Videos
- a good description of the structure of DNA
- Hank Green: DNA
- NDSU virtual cell: Gene expression
- NDSU virtual cell: lac operon
- bozeman biology: gene regulation
Making Proteins
Making ProteinsRelated Videos
- Amoeba Sisters:
- making proteins
- Hank Green: DNA transcription and translation
- Frameshift Mutations (insertions and deletions)
- more on frameshift mutations
- great thread: watch molecular biologists argue about "junk DNA" and the ENCODE Project
- variations in the genetic code
- a detailed list of the different genetic codes
Biotechnology powerpointRelated Videos
- Restriction Enzymes (Part 1 Part 2)
- PCR explained
- PCR Song
- PCR primers
- Gel electrophoresis, electrophoresis
- Southern Blotting
- DNA fingerprinting
- Why the anti-GMO movement is also anti-empiricist
- Mary Poffenroth on stem cells and GMOs
- Christie Wilcox on GMO safety
- DNews: cloning and De-extinction
- Carl Zimmer's article on article on deextinction
- Alexis Danis on De-extinction (original talk here)
- DNews on the kickstarter for bioluminescent plants
- DNews on the use of GFP gene to make sheep, monkeys, and kittens glow
- SciShow: why have scientists been making glowing organisms
Study Guide for Test 6
Evolution powerpointRelated Videos
- The awesomeness of Alfred Russell Wallace explained using puppets
- Christie Wilcox's clear, concise explanation of the relationships between mutations, chance, natural selection, genetic drift and evolution
- DNews: computer modeling of evolution without competion
- Alexis Danis: genome alignment)
- Darwin really liked to talk about pigeons
- Hank Green explains natural selection, speciation, population genetics, Evolution, and evolutionary development,
- Paul Anderson has two videos on the evidence for evolution, and also ones on Natural Selection, microevolution, and solving Hardy Weinberg problems
- Mary Poffenroth discusses Charles Darwin and natural selection
- Ricochet Science has a Natural Selection video
- Russian fox breeding experiment
- "vampire" finch (sharp beaked ground finch)
- Woodpecker Finch
- multiple videos of the great grey shrike feeding
- anoles jumping
- The importance of neutral and near neutral mutations in evolution
- What's REALLY going on when you hear "Scientists found a new species of X"
- Amazon river dolphins: morphology and DNA
- wildebeast: two species, or five? (all with fertile hybrids)
- Do a few zoo animals with funny manes mean there's a new species of lion?
- Incipent speciation: California salamanders
- five misconceptions about evolution
- Ryan Ellingson: five more misconceptions about evolution
- Evolution: autotuned and remixed
- Humor - The Human Race by The Frantics

Ecology powerpointRelated Videos
- Mary Poffenroth explains Trophic Levels
- Tegu
- Christie Wilcox on the lionfish invasion (...and ciguatoxins)
- lots of other content on lionfish
- Mary Poffenroth: keystone species
- Mary Poffenroth: Biodiversity (...and threats to biodiversity)
- Mary Poffenroth: biotic potential
- Mary Poffenroth: biotic and abiotic factors
- Mary Poffenroth: Biomes and Communities
- Mary Poffenroth: Community Ecology and Interspecific interactions
- Mary Poffenroth: Trophic Levels, Producers and Consumers
- Mary Poffenroth: Charles Darwin and natural selection
- the good and bad sides of biological control
Other Topics
- Human Population
- DNA structure and replication
- Transcription and Translation
- Nova Science Now's RNAi video (The first part covers transcription and translation)
- Human Genome Project: James Kent saves the day!!!(Why Craig Venter is a jerk.)
- Epigenetics: Nova special(1 hour long)
- Natural Selection
- Speciation
- species management: Eels and overfishing
- Christie Wilcox on being a marine biologist
- Cristie on the scientists using social media