News and Announcements
Fish Quiz
Sponges and Corals
- Florida's Reef Visual Census (RVC) surveys
- sponges that eat crustaceans
- creating heat tolerant corals
- coral resistant to acidification
- mushroom coral inflating to dig out of sand
- more on Steve Palumbi's research into corals that can survive ocean warming
- Aquarius Reef Base: Sponge Research
- A member of the staff at the Georgia Aquarium writes about diving with the Coral Restoration Foundation (CFR)
- my photos of CFR's work at Snapper Ledge.
- Why protecting parrotfish might be more important to reefs than warming or acidification
- gobies and angelfish may also be critical to reefs
- Diane Rehm Show: threats to coral reefs
- Coral may be able to resist warming by switching symbionts
- Montipora White Syndrome in Kaneohe Bay
- selective breeding of heat tolerant corals

Sharks and Rays
- Five reasons why the Australian shark cull was a bad idea
- whale shark kills increasing
- Cocos Islands: the difficulty in stopping illegal shark fishing
- Why Shark Week Sucks: "Educational TV" is rubbish
- when does shark tourism become shark harrassment
- landing a hammerhead shark is illegal in FL water
- Pet sharks and their sensitive skin
- Touching manta rays causes skin lesions
- the effect of fishing on whale sharks
- whale shark slaughterhouse
- not all shark fins for sale are due to finning
.@StephSchuttler The media ask me about them. "Do you support the call to ban finning in Florida?" No, because that happened 20 years ago
— David Shiffman (@WhySharksMatter) May 6, 2014
- shark con
- How to determine shark or dolphin?
- Catch and release a hammerhead? You probably killed it
- Goblin Shark
- Japanese Aquarium's public outreach failure
- Sharks in a jar
- Megamouth Sharks
- Why scalloped hammerheads are classified as an endangered species and northeast Pacific white sharks are not
- Shark tracking with the Guy Harvey Research Institute
- Cryptic Species(???): The Carolina Hammerhead
- Cryptic Species(???): A new eagle ray
- British people don't know that the "rock salmon" in their fish and chips is really shark
- Dr. Neil Hammerschlag: Baited shark dives and large scale shark movments
- Discovery Channel: rubber sharks, fearmongering, and two years of megalodon stupidity
- sustainable shark consumption? The truth is that conservation can be complicated
- should we have limits on whale shark tourism

Marine Mammals
- Russia is capturing orca for Chinese aquariums
- Orcas captured for asian marine parks
- Orca: J pod matriarch might be more than 100 years old
- The Whale Poop Hypothesis: Whales, Krill and Iron
- marine mammals: not cute!!
- beluga bellies
- barnacles as skin parasites of dolphins
- will Japanese whale watching replace Japanese whaling?
Marine Isopods
- isopod swimming
- Cymothoa exigua: the tounge eating isopod
- Interview with director of the bay (horror movie about isopods)
Plastic Waste
- the problem with plastic
- The truth about the Pacific Garbage Patch
- NYT piece on plastic pollution
- The media love to tell stories about the brilliant young person who will save us all. Naturally, they love talking about Boyan Slat. He's done a good jobe of publicizing the problem, but sadly, his cleanup ideas probably won't work. (...and Slat is bad at astroturfing
- NOAA's marine debris tracker
- Scripps surveys the levels of plastic near the Hawaiian Islands
- is the conversation about plastic debris causing us to loose focus on more important issues?
Sustainable Use Issues
- deep ocean trawling creates deserts
- Menhaden: "the greatest fish we ever fished"
- the link between sardine fishing and sick sea lion pups
- shark fishing: who catches what
- Overharvesting of seaweed?!?!?
- Haunauma Bay: overcollection of yellow tangs for the aquarium trade
- Goblin Shark reminds us of the bycatch problem
- how we wrecked the ocean
- The problem with Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing
- fisheries: poaching red snapper
- How do we know what sustainable yield is?
- Can we use satellites to end IUU fishing?
- Using stable isotope analysis to see what sharks are eating
- more on the problem with ocean cleanup
- Is sustainable orange roughy really a thing?
- maximum sustainable yield: what is it, does it still matter?
- overfishing of bluefin tuna
- activists, controversy, and salmon hatcheries
Economic impact of overfishing ($600-1400 billion) dwarfs climate change ($17-41 billion) to 2050
— Trevor A. Branch (@TrevorABranch) June 2, 2014
Ocean Acidification
- flarp
- NOAA's Ocean Acidification Link
- Staghorn Coral INCREASING range!?!?!
- Pursuing the Reality of Ocean Acidification>
- TSM: climate change
- Home (ocean acidificaton documentary)
- Netflix: a sea change
- How acidification might affect Alaska's fisheries
Controlling Invasive Species
- Invasive Sea Weeds in Hawaii
- Using local urchins to control invasive seaweed
- Vacuuming the invasive algae off of the reefs with the Super Sucker
- Prickly Sea Weed: introduced by boats
- invasive algae that escaped from aquaculture
- Lionfish
- Jonathan Bird on invasives (including lionfish)
- Christie Wilcox on the lionfish invasion (...and ciguatoxins)
- lots of other content on lionfish
- Lionfish can live in almost completely fresh water. That's true regardless of who discovered it first.
- the fight over eel fishing in Maine
- A biologically accurate version of Finding Nemo
- Do you love white sandy beaches? Thank a parrot fish!
- Why can't we try upbeat environmentalism
- gulf oil spill
- fukushima and starfish
- government "help" for marine conservation
- Moray eels' amazing alien-like jaws
- International SeaKeepers Society: Using luxury yachts as marine research vessels
- more on fukushima's effect on ocean life
- Elysia: a kleptoplastic, photosynthetic sea slug
- mangrove video
- cone snail
- Sylvia Earle's Mission Blue
- Sea Turtle mating strategies
- 71 things we don't know about the ocean
- Sabretooth Blenny
- The problem with Sea Shepherd
- Coelacanth: not the silver bullet of cryptozoology
- cuttlefish: difference between arms and tentacles
Underwater Art
- Jonathan Bird's underwater photography tips
- Jason De Caires Taylor: Using underwater scuptures to create artificial reefs
If you have any questions or concerns, contact me via the PAL email