Key Concepts for the Urinary System

Chapter 25 (pg. 997-1029)


Urinary System


Regulate volume and chemistry of blood.

Remove waste and fluids

            Regulate red blood cell counts-EPO

            Gluconeogenesis- makes glucose out of non-carbohydrates.  This is normally a

            Liver function, this is caused from prolonged fasting.





            Urinary bladder


Location and External Anatomy

            Retroperitoneal-T12-L3, surrounded by three membranes:

            Renal capsule-fibrous/tough, protects kidneys from infection in surrounding


            Adipose capsule-fatty mass cushions and protects.  Also attaches the kidney

                        to the posterior wall.

            Renal fascia-outer membrane attaches the kidney to adrenal gland to surrounding


Internal Anatomy



            Medulla-darker, pyramids

            Pelvis-flat, funnel shaped.  Joins with ureter at hilus

            Calyces-extensions of pelvis

                        Calyces major and Calyces minor surround the papillae

Blood and Nerve Supply (Illustration pg. 999)

            Renal arteries deliver ¼ of the total cardiac output to kidneys each minute

            Perpendicular branches of abdominal aorta, the right artery is longer than left

            Each artery branches into 5 segmental arteries just outside hilus of kidney

            They then branch into lobar arteries inside kidney

            They then divide to form several interlobular arteries

            At the base of the medulary pyramid they then branch into the arcuate arteries

Renal Veins




            Renal veins

            There are no lobar or segmental veins



Renal Plexus (ANS)


            The structural and functional units of the kidneys

            Each nephron consists of:


                        Bowman’s capsule

                        Renal tubule

            Glomerulus-fenestrated capillaries

                        Forms filtrate

                        Solution is a protein free, solute rich fluid, which passes from blood

                                    Bowman’s capsule

                        Particles of (CHON) filtered out

            Bowman’s capsule               

                        Parietal Layer-simple squamous, no filtration function

                        Visceral layer- by glomerulous, has branching epithelial cells called

                                    Podocytes (foot cells).  They terminate in foot processes, which

                                       intertwine as they cling to the basement membrane of the


                                    The clefts or openings between the foot processes called filtration

                                       slits, allow filtrate to enter the capsular space.

            Renal tubule

                        3 parts

                                    Proximal convoluted tubule, loop on Henle and distal

                                       convoluted tubule

                        Collecting ducts- receives filtrate from many nephrons

                                    Run through the medullary pyramids and give them a striped


                                    They come together at the papilla and form papillary ducts

                                       which deliver urine to the minor calyces.

                                    Principle cells-no microvilli

                                    Intercalated cells-microvilli

                        Proximal Convoluted Tubule

                                    Simple cuboidal epithelial cells with brush border

                                       absorb water from filtrate and secrete substances into it

                        Loop of Henle

                                    Descending-proximal part-same as proximal convoluted tubule

                                    Distal part-thin segment-simple squamous-permeable to water

                                    Ascending-cuboidal/columnar-thick segments

                        Distal Convoluted Tubule

                                    Cuboidal, but thinner than proximal convoluted tubule, reduced

                                       microvilli/brush border

                        Cortical Nephrons represent 85% of the nephrons in the kidneys and are

                                    found mostly in the cortex

                        Juxtamedullary nephrons represent 15% in the kidneys, these are

                                    important in urine concentration, they have more extensive thin

                                      segments, and their loops of Henle invade deeply the medulla

Capillary Beds of Nephrons


                        Fed and drained by arterioles, the afferent arteriole and the

                          efferent arteriole

                                    2 reasons why glomerular pressure is high

                                    1)Arterioles are high-resistance vessels

                                    2) Afferent arteriole has a larger diameter than efferent

            Peritubular capillaries

                        Arise from efferent arterioles, tend not to break up into

                           peritubular capillaries, instead they form venules

                        They absorb water and solute removed from nephron

                           99% is reclaimed

            Vasa Recta (Straight-vessel)

                        Thin walls

                        Extend deep into the medulla paralleling the longest loops of


Vascular resistance in microcirculation

            High pressure in the efferent arterioles reinforces the high

                glomerular pressure

Juxtaglomerular Apparatus

            Controls filtration rate


            Chemo receptors=solute content

            Juxtaglomerular cells-Afferent arteriole wall pressure

            Macula Densa-Distal convoluted tubule wall chemistry

Filtration Membrane

            Porous, between blood and capsule has 3 layers

                        1)fenestrated epithelium (tunica intima)

                        2) gel like basement membrane (basal lamina of other layers)

                              negatively charged glycoproteins repel many

                               macromolecules, others stopped at filtration slits

                        3)visceral membrane of glomerular capsule (podocytes)Net Filtration Pressure (NFP)

            NFP=HP (hydrostatic P=glomerulous) ¾(OP osmotic pressure +HP

               capsular) (pg. 1007 left column, upper paragraph for better looking


Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)

            FR is directly proportional to NFP

            3 factors governing filtration rate at capillary beds

                        1)surface area-not easily changed

                        2)permeability-not easily changed


            Try to keep these constant, why is this important?

            Too fast and too much=poor absorption

            Too slow=everything reabsorbed, even waste we should eliminate


Renal Auto regulation

            Maintain constant GFR, 2 methods

                        1)Myogenic mechanism-tunica media vasoconstrict increasing blood

                           pressure and stretches wall.  Tunica media vasoconstricst blood pressure

                           goes down causes vasodilatation

                        2)Tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism- when pressure and osmolality            

                           goes down, this caused vasodilatation of afferent arterioles.  When flow,

                           pressure and olsmolality goes up vasoconstriction of afferent arterioles

Sympathetic Nervous System

            Stress or emergency overcomes renal auto regulation

               Blood to vital organs goes away from kidneys

            Renin-aniotensin mechanism

               Release of renin (JG cells) causes a chemical cascade

               Angiotensin I = II

                        Angiotensin II

1)     Smooth muscle vasoconstrictor, blood pressure goes up

2)     Decrease GFR

3)     Stimulates aldosterone released by adrenal cortex, kidneys reabsorb more Na+ and H2O, blood volume and blood pressure goes up

When to start renin-angiotensin

            When systemic blood pressure is below 80mm Hg

            Low filtrate flow rate/osmolarity

Tubular Reabsorption

            Our total blood volume filters into the renal tubules about every 45 mins. 99% is


            Reabsorption rate may be passive (no ATP required) or active (at least on of its

               steps is driven by ATP directly or indirectly)

            Active reabsorption-Na+ is very common in filtrate, 80% of energy from active


               2 sodium and 3 potassium, pumps ATP, keeps tubule cells low in salt this

                 creates electrochemical gradient

              Passive  tubular reabsorption-obligatory water absorption, and obliged to follow


            Secondary active transport-glucose, amino acids, vitamins are substances

               reabsorbed by a carrier molecule.  Lets sodium follow gradient, and carries

               something else along

Non-reabsorbed substances

            Substances include-urea, uric acid and creatinine

            No carriers, not lipid soluble, too big for pores, tight junctions and nitrogenous

Absorptive capabilities of different regions

            Proximal convoluted tubule-most active area of reabsorption, reabsorbs anything

            Loop on Henle-selective reabsorption

                        Descending- water volume

                        Ascending- Na, K,Cl (active),Ca+2 and Mg+2




Key Concepts for Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

Chapter 26 (pg. 1034-1059)


Body water content

            Water content for a health man is 60% and 50% for a health woman, about 40 L

Fluid compartments

            Intracellular fluid compartment (ICF)-in a healthy male  of average size ICF

               Accounts for  25 L of the 40 L of body water.  This consists of trillions of

                  compartments: the cells

            Extracellular fluid (ECF)- internal environment of each cell, there are 2

                  subcompartments- 1) plasma and 2)interstitial fluid, the fluid in a microscopic

                  spaces between tissue cells.

Composition of fluids

Electrolyte- osmolarity concentration, ionic bonds; ionize or dissolve in water;             dissolve easier and more important for osmolarity

Electrolyte concentrations are expressed in milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L)

   mEq/L= ionic concentration (mg/L) ´ no. of electrical charges

                              atomic weight of ion             on one ion

Intra and extracellular fluid (pg. 1036 illustration)

            Na+ / K+- sodium potassium pumps

Movement of fluid from compartments

            Anything that changes the solute concentration in any compartment leads to

               net water flows or movement

            Plasma circulates throughout the body and links the external and internal

               environments (lungs, GI, kidneys) exchanges occur continuously

Water balance and extracellular fluid osmolality

            Input=ingest=food, drink and metabolic water

            Output-urine (60%), perspiration (8%), insensible (expired air, 28%), feces


            Thirst-hypothalamus-salivary glands obtain the water they require from the blood,

              So when blood volume is down, increase in thirst-about 10%

              Osmoreceptors lose water by osmosis to the hypertonic ECF, or excited by

               baroreceptors inputs, these events cause thirst-2-3%


Regulation of water output

            Obligatory water losses=500ml of urine a day

            Kidneys regulate water and sodium solutes

Disorders of water balance

            Dehydration-output is greater than input; fever, confusion, kidney pain and

               hypovolemic shock

             Hypotonic hydration-overhydration-nausia, cramping, edema, coma, death

               can be corrected by manitol IV which makes osmolaity go up

            Edema-swelling-accumulation of fluid in interstitial space.  Increased blood

               pressure and congestive heart failure are factors that accelerate fluid loss from


Electrolyte balance

            Salt balance in body-90% of solutes in ECF

            Major osmotic pressure, water follows salt, we reabsorb and reuse

            GI disorders can lead to large salt losses in feces or vomit

Sodium regulation

            No sodium receptors!

            60-65% reabsorbed at PCT

            25% at loop of Henle

Influence of aldosterone

            Causes sodium and water reabsorption at distal convoluted tubules and collecting


            When aldosterone release in inhibited, no sodium reabsorption occurs beyond

               the distal tubule.

             Juxtaglomerular apparatus- responds to sympathetic stimulation, decreased

                osmolality or decreased stretch, the JG cells release renin.  Renin catalyzes the

                series of reactions that produce angiotensin II that prompts aldosterone release.

                Adrenal cortical cells also directly stimulated to release aldosterone by elevated

                K+ levels.  Aldosterone brings effects slowly, over hours or even days